Nurse Blocked from Voting on New Contract After Refusing to Sign New Union Card

Wisnewski v. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania

Alan Wisnewski is a forensic registered nurse at SCI-Waymart State Prison. He sued SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania (“SEIU”), which he’s forced to accept as his representative in collective bargaining, claiming that officials told him he could not vote on a new contract because he would not sign a new union card, even though he was already a union member.

Alan alleges in his state court lawsuit that a union official told him that if he wanted to vote on contract ratification, he had to sign a new union card. But the new union card contained language that purported to prevent those who signed from ending the deduction of union dues from their wages except for one fifteen-day window a year.

Contrary to the union official’s statement, Alan already had the right to vote on the contract according to SEIU’s own rules and membership contract, because he was already a union member. He alleges, however, that he was not given the chance to vote on the new contract even when SEIU allowed other members to vote.

Wisnewski v. SEIU is closed.


Alan Wisnewski is a forensic registered nurse at SCI-Waymart State Prison. He sued SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania (“SEIU”), which he’s forced to accept as his representative in collective bargaining, claiming that officials told him he could not vote on a new contract because he would not sign a new union card, even though he was already a union member.

Alan alleges in his state court lawsuit that a union official told him that if he wanted to vote on contract ratification, he had to sign a new union card. But the new union card contained language that purported to prevent those who signed from ending the deduction of union dues from their wages except for one fifteen-day window a year.

Contrary to the union official’s statement, Alan already had the right to vote on the contract according to SEIU’s own rules and membership contract, because he was already a union member. He alleges, however, that he was not given the chance to vote on the new contract even when SEIU allowed other members to vote.

Wisnewski v. SEIU is closed.


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