Featured News Archives - The Fairness Center https://www.fairnesscenter.org/category/featured-news/ A Nonprofit Public Interest Law Firm Tue, 18 Oct 2022 14:35:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 CUNY Professors Sue To Break With Anti-Semitic Union https://www.fairnesscenter.org/cuny-professors-sue-to-break-with-anti-semitic-union/ Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:54:53 +0000 https://www.fairnesscenter.org/?p=1616 Excerpt from original article in the Washington Free Beacon > A City University of New York professor says it is "abhorrent" that New York state law forces him and his colleagues to be represented by a union proven to have ignored instances of anti-Semitism. Kingsborough Community College business department chairman Jeffrey Lax is one of [...]

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Excerpt from original article in the Washington Free Beacon >

A City University of New York professor says it is “abhorrent” that New York state law forces him and his colleagues to be represented by a union proven to have ignored instances of anti-Semitism.

Kingsborough Community College business department chairman Jeffrey Lax is one of six professors suing to sever ties with the Professional Staff Congress, CUNY’s faculty union. Lax was one of the first of 300 professors who resigned from the Professional Staff Congress last year after the union passed a resolution condemning Israel. Lax and his fellow plaintiffs, most of whom are Jewish, say they no longer feel represented by the anti-Zionist union….

The Fairness Center, a law firm that represents public-sector union workers, said the professors’ suit seeks to “vindicate” the First Amendment rights that the New York law strips from the professors by forcing them to work with the union.

“Our clients, most of whom are Jewish, should not be forced to associate with a union that engages in hateful, anti-Israel rhetoric and political activity,” Nathan McGrath, president of the Fairness Center, told the Free Beacon. “But New York law gives them no choice. That’s why they’ve brought this lawsuit to vindicate their constitutional rights of free speech and free association.”

Read the Full Article here: https://freebeacon.com/campus/cuny-professors-sue-to-break-with-anti-semitic-union/

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Erie court issues summary judgment against union for concealing retirement benefit option https://www.fairnesscenter.org/https-www-thecentersquare-com-pennsylvania-erie-court-issues-summary-judgment-against-union-for-concealing-retirement-benefit-option-article_bb6b22e6-5cef-11eb-8417-db5838053144-html/ Thu, 18 Feb 2021 15:21:03 +0000 https://www.fairnesscenter.org/?p=1273 A state court issued a summary judgment this month against the union representing Erie Water Works employees for concealing a retirement plan option during contract negotiations in 2017. Erie Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel J. Brabender, Jr. said in an order filed Jan. 13 that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees [...]

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A state court issued a summary judgment this month against the union representing Erie Water Works employees for concealing a retirement plan option during contract negotiations in 2017.

Erie Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel J. Brabender, Jr. said in an order filed Jan. 13 that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2206 breached its duty “to act in good faith and in a reasonable manner” when union leaders misrepresented the retirement benefit options offered by the water company.

Read the full story at www.thecentersquare.com

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