Prison Nurse Forced to Sign New Union Card, Locking Her Into Mandatory Dues

McGraw v. SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania

Gerri McGraw, a forensic registered nurse at SCI-Waymart State Prison, sued SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania (“SEIU”), which she’s forced to accept as her representative in collective bargaining, claiming that SEIU officials misled her into signing a new union card after she was already a union member.

Gerri alleges in her state court lawsuit that an SEIU official told her that if she wanted to vote on contract ratification and other union matters, she had to sign a new union card. What the union official did not tell her was that the new union card purports to prevent her from ending the deduction of union dues from her wages except for one fifteen-day window a year.

Contrary to the union official’s statement to Gerri, she in fact already had the right to vote on the contract according to SEIU’s own rules and membership contract because she was already a union member.

McGraw v. SEIU is closed.


Gerri McGraw, a forensic registered nurse at SCI-Waymart State Prison, sued SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania (“SEIU”), which she’s forced to accept as her representative in collective bargaining, claiming that SEIU officials misled her into signing a new union card after she was already a union member.

Gerri alleges in her state court lawsuit that an SEIU official told her that if she wanted to vote on contract ratification and other union matters, she had to sign a new union card. What the union official did not tell her was that the new union card purports to prevent her from ending the deduction of union dues from her wages except for one fifteen-day window a year.

Contrary to the union official’s statement to Gerri, she in fact already had the right to vote on the contract according to SEIU’s own rules and membership contract because she was already a union member.

McGraw v. SEIU is closed.


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